
Know the Planetary causes of delay in Marriage
Karan Sharma
Posted Date:2016-10-17
A delay in marriage occurs mostly due to not being able to find the right match or a suitable person with whom the bond of marriage can be formed. There may also be certain incidents in the life of a person that led to a bitter experience in mind that is taking its toll in creating a relation.
Love marriage expert highlights the various situations and conditions pertaining to this that may be well illustrated in one’s horoscope. The planets that cause a delay in marriage can be different in various horoscopes. Appeasing of these planets can act to catalyze the process of marriage.
A weak planet in the seventh house of the horoscope may cause delay and conflicts in a marriage. Some of the birth planetary combinations in a birth chart that cause a delay or disturbance in a happy marriage.
Placement of Retrograde Planet in 7th House
The planet in the seventh house should not be retrograde one. If it is so, this may lead to reversals n marriage. The last minute reversals after everything have been finalized is generally due to such causes. Even when benefices like Venus, Mercury or Jupiter are placed in a retrograde manner would have a negative impact on the native’s married life.
Saturn: The cause of Delay
When Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Mars are placed in the seventh house of marriage gets delayed. Rahu and Ketu also have the same effect of causing a delay in marriage.
Deeper Analysis of 7th house
Seventh house in ‘paap kartari yoga’ can always be malefic. This should be ideally seen from the ascendant and the moon for greater accuracy.
Badly placed Seventh Lord
Many of Love marriage problem solutions are linked with remedial actions for the seventh house. When the 7th Lord is placed in unfriendly or inimical houses that include 6th, 8th or the 12th house, the placement can bring about hard situations like disturbed health, losses, sudden expenditures. The same may not hold true if seventh Lords are placed in the houses with their own planets or when the seventh Lords are present in the exalted state.
Weak Jupiter in a woman’s chart
In a woman’s chart, Jupiter signifies husband. A strong and rightly placed Jupiter gives a great probability of a virtuous, cultured and religious and committed husband. A benefic Jupiter also indicates healthy children. It also means a good fortune and longevity in marriage. When Jupiter is weakly placed, that means there would occur many hindrances in marriage. If it is highly afflicted, it can cause delay and conflicts in marriage.
Sun in the 7th house
When Sun is placed in the seventh house, this can become the reason for frequent conflicts and clashes of ego. There may also occur separation because of which a harmonious relationship may be disturbed. However, if Sun is getting aspect from Jupiter or Moon or both of them, the negative results may get nullified.
Afflicted Venus in man’s chart
Venus is a significator of marriage. It signifies the wife in a man’s natal horoscope. The combustion, retrogression or malefic aspects on Venus. Venus basically represents all the luxuries in life. These include jewelry, luxury clothing, and most significantly indulgence.
An afflicted Venus can delay marriage and this may also result in conflicts in the same. When Venus is placed in the 3rd house from the moon or the ascendant can also give negative like combust and retrograde Venus.
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