
Making a good match with numerology of personality number
Karan Sharma
Posted Date:2016-09-26
The success of a marriage depends upon the fact how the two people involved actually materialize their relationship. A marriage is coming together of so many vows between two people. Match-making or Kundali Milan is one way of checking the compatibility of a relation. Compatibility between partners can be checked with the help of numerology for various love marriage problem solutions.
Checking Personality with numbers
The date on which a person is born gets defines brings out the number known as personality number. For example someone who was born on 15 of February is said to have a personality number of 6 (5+1). Our personality number is unique one which imparts special vibrations and traits to a person. This is a unique number that controls us in many ways in our life.
Personality numbers according to date of birth
Date of birth and numbers:
Number 1: 28, 19, 10, 1
Number 2: 29, 20, 11, 2
Number 3: 30, 21, 30
Number 4: 31, 22, 13, 4
Number 5: 23, 14, 5
Number 6: 24, 15, 6
Number 7: 25, 16, 7
Number 8: 26, 17, 8
Number 9: 27, 18, 9
Compatibility with number 1: People with number 1 are vey affirmative, full of life, goal-oriented and also have a big ego. The people with this number generally have a good compatibility with people having number 2, 3, 6, 7, 9.
They do not get along well with people with numbers 4 and 5. With people of these numbers, the severity of egoistic clashes becomes very high. With people having number 8, there is no possibility of any kind of compromise whatsoever.
Compatibility of number 2: Natives having number personality number 2 are very emotional, sensitive and also highly emotional. They are perfectionists. These people are high strong mentally but may be on the lower side of health.
They have high compatibility with personality numbers 2, 6 and 9 and get along very well with people with personality numbers 1, 4 and 7. They tend to have greater differences with personality numbers 3 and 8. They tend to have conflicts with personality number 5.
Compatibility of number 3: People who have the personality number 3 are very self-respecting and may also have a bloated ego. During a conflicting situation, they would remain stuck and unswerving till the end. They tend to be the ones who never surrender even if they are wrong. They love being independent and tend to bother others in the least forgetting their work accomplished. They are great advisors and attain great positions in profession.
But number 3 people tend to have great understanding with people with personality numbers 6 and 9. They may exhibit great adjustability with numbers 1 and 5. They have generally very difficult relations with people with personality numbers 2, 4 and 7. Very contradictory relations are formed with numbers 3 and 8.
Compatibility with number 4: Personality number 4 generally does not follow a particular trend. They can be arrogant and at the same time very unpredictable and unstable in life. They are very gregarious but also face a lot of struggles in their life.
Number 4 people generally gel very nicely with personality number 6. At the same time, they are amicable with numbers 2, 7, 8 and 9. But they can’t form lasting relations with numbers 3 and 5. With number 1, the personality number 4 has tendency to show a lot of egoistic behavior.
Compatibility of number 5: People with personality number 5 are easy –going but they have very wavering mind. So they are found to keep shifting jobs. Because they have a fleeting mind, they also lie to travel a lot. Most of the times, these people also have a great business sense. They are compatible with numbers 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. They can’t have a sustaining relation with numbers 1, 2 and 5 because there occurs a lot of nagging in this relation.
Compatibility with number 6: People with number 6 enjoy a high standard of living. They also have an artistic bent of mind and may show interest in music and arts. They are fond of a luxurious life and gets along well with most of other personality numbers 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9. With the personality 5, 6 and 7, the compatibility of personality number 1 is not promising.
Compatibility with number 7: Personality number 7 are secretive personalities. They are actually visionaries who may be blessed with the faculty of foresight and higher intuition. They may have a serious nature and not inclined to spend their money on luxuries. With people with personality number 7, constant adjustment with a partner is needed. There may be a complicated relationship with numbers 1, 2, 4 and 6 while numbers 3, 5 and 8 may have to sacrifice a lot.
Compatibility of number 8: People with personality number 8 are said to struggle a lot. They tend o do great things in a quiet manner and also do not like to show off themselves much. They form good relations with numbers 4 and 6. They form a very balanced and neutral relation with numbers 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 3
Compatibility of number 9: These people are very brave and also dominating in nature. They generally tend to be obedient to their superiors and have strict set of ideals for themselves. They have a satisfactory married life. They get along well with numbers 2, 3, 6, 7 and 9. With number 4 and 9, a little hard work is needed for
Numbers 5 and 8 tend to have a difficult relationship with number 9.
To have more information on this, contact our famous love marriage Specialist in Canada for lasting solutions.