
Remedies for Mangal Dosha
Karan Sharma
Posted Date:2016-05-11
A person is considered Manglik if he/she was born under the effect of planet mars. The Mangal Dosha is also known as Kuja Dosh or Sumanglik Dosh. A comprehensive analysis of the moon chart, birth chart, and the Navamsha is done to find out if the person in Manglik or not. Mangal Dosha is one of the hot topics to be discussed in Indian Society and is given much importance before marriage. In Hinduism, if everything matches perfectly expect the Mangal Dosha, then marriage is considered impossible between the couple. So, how you can overcome it? What are the remedies? Check the below-given list and follow it to get rid of this Mangal Dosha.
Remedies for Mangal Dosha
Be it a boy or a girl, one has to follow several remedies to reduce the effect of Mangal Dosha. The remedies include:
- Kumbha Vivah, Ashwatha Vivah and Vishu Vivah. Ashwatha Vivah means marrying with peepal tree and cutting the tree after the marriage is done. Kumbha Vivah means marrying with a pot and breaking it after the marriage is done.
- Worship banyan tree with sweet milk
- Feed birds with sweet
- Recite Gayatri mantra for 108 times in a day
- Recite Hanuman Chalisa
- Recite Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
- Keep ivory at home
- Keep fast on every Tuesday of a new month in a rising moon
- Donate red cloth to the workers who work with sharp iron items
- Chant Sunder Kand from Tulsi Ramcharitmanas for at least 40 days
- Keep Kesariya Ganpati in worship room and worship daily
It is always advisable to consult with an expert astrologer to know the level of Dosha and accordingly, choose the ways to get rid of it.