
The 12 Zodiac Signs of Vedic Astrology
Pt Karan Sharma
Posted Date:2016-08-11
In Astrology, there are 12 zodiac signs and each of the signs has its own characteristics, negative and positive traits, expectations and attitude towards life. The projection and position of the planets is analyzed alongside the sun and moon ecliptic at the time of birth. Astrology gives us an insight into the basic personality of the person, their hidden fears, hopes and desires.
The 12 Vedic zodiac signs are given in the table below alongside their symbols.
Sign | Sanskrit name | Symbol | Mobility | Lord |
Aries | Mesha | Ram | Movable | Mars |
Taurus | Vrishaba | Bull | Fixed | Venus |
Gemini | Mithuna | Couple | Common | Mercury |
Cancer | Karkata | Crab | Movable | Moon |
Leo | Simha | Lion | Fixed | Sun |
Virgo | Kanya | Virgin | Common | Mercury |
Libra | Tula | Balance | Movable | Venus |
Scorpio | Vrishchika | Scorpion | Fixed | Mars |
Sagittarius | Dhanus | Bow | Common | Jupiter |
Capricorn | Makara | Alligator | Movable | Saturn |
Aquarius | Kumbha | Pot | Fixed | Saturn |
Pisces | Meena | Fishes | Common | Jupiter |
Vedic astrology differs from Western astrology as in Vedic Astrology, uses sidereal zodiac based on constellations fixed zodiac) while western astrology uses tropical zodiac based on the seasons in a year(moving zodiac). Most of the zodiac readings and predictions that are available in newspapers are actually one sign back with reference to calculation done in Vedic Astrology. Exceptions occur only in case when people are born in last 5 days of the western zodiac month. So, it is appropriate to find your sun sign as per the Vedic Astrology calculations to know correct predictions.
Fire | Earth | Air | Water |
Aries: 14th April- 15th May | Taurus: 15th May-15th June | Gemini: 15th June-15th July | Cancer: 17th July-17th August |
Leo: 17th August-17th September | Virgo: 17th September- 18th October | Libra: 18th October-17th November | Scorpio: 17th November- 16th December |
Sagittarius: 16th Decmeber-15th January | Capricorn: 15th January- 13th February | Aquarius: 13th February-15th March | Pisces: 15th March-14th April |
The four elements exert a profound influence on the zodiac signs that rule them. The natives of the respective ‘rashis’ or zodiac carry a personality type, emotions, behavior, thinking that is distinct to the four elements.
Water signs: The water signs namely the Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are highly emotional and have a high level of sensitivity. They are fond of intense conversations and intimacy in relations. They are very secretive and are very supportive to their loved ones.
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are the signs belonging to this category. These signs carry more passion and are more dynamic and temperamental. They have tendency to be short-tempered and at the same time are forgive others easily. They are highly adventurous and energetic. Physically, they are robust and inspire others. The zodiac is having intellectual characteristics. People with these signs tend to be self-aware, idealistic and also innovative and pro-active in approach.
Earth Signs: These include Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. These signs are associated with earthly qualities and are well-grounded. These people are highly realistic and tend to be reserved. Internally, they are highly emotional. People in these signs are highly practical, stable and loyal and prove to be great friends who help through thick and thin.
Air Signs: The signs of this type include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. People with these signs tend to be reasonable, prudent and are very sociable and are great communicators. They are highly fond of discussions, social gatherings and good books. Air signs tend to be shallow, give advices and sometimes have superficial involvement in relations.
People who are in the same type of signs are naturally more compatible. Additionally, since air is compatible with fire and water is highly compatible with earth and same goes for the signs. Love astrology compatibility is determined on the basis of considerations of compatibility between zodiacs.