
Astrological Remedies for Disputes between Husband and Wife
Karan Sharma
Posted Date:2017-04-07
Who says there are no disputes between husband and wife? Of course, there are. There are little fights over trivial things like husband not praising his wife or wife not cooking the food of desired taste. Disputes happen in every relationship but a fight going beyond control needs to be looked into.
If disputes keep on arising every now and then between the couple then it means something is wrong and help needs to be taken. Astrology is one thing that can solve this problem. Astrology says that fights arise between husband and wife when Venus and Jupiter are weak.
Astrology offers various solutions to this problem which include:
- Wife should sleep on the left side of the husband. Also, the couple should use the same pillow. Different pillows should not be used.
- The color of the bedroom also matters a lot. It must be a light color, either light pink or light green. Yellow or its matching color should not be used. Similarly, dark colors should not be used.
- The couple should buy flowers on a Friday. Rose or white flowers must be bought. No other flower apart from that must be bought. These flowers must be kept in the bedroom.
- Make sure that you keep your head towards south or east direction while sleeping and on the opposite side of that, keep an image of flowing water. Make sure that you do not keep an image of God in your bedroom.
- Do not use a strong fragrance. Purchase a light fragrance perfume on Friday and use that. Both the partners need to use that.
- Offer white sweet to the goddess. After that, eat it yourself as an act of sacrament. Using sour food must be avoided on this day. This will provide great benefit.
- The bed which you use in your bedroom must come from paternal home. Tie pink thread on its four sides for amazing benefits.
- A newly married couple must wear diamond and take special care of it. However, if problems are going on in married life like say conflicts are going on then it is better to remove it. Wife should wear gold ring and husband should wear silver ring on any finger of the hand.
- Friday is considered a very auspicious day in astrology. Go to the market and buy new clothes and jewellery on this day. Wait for some time. Your fights would stop and your relation would start improving.
These are some remedies which love astrology in India suggests for improving husband wife relationship. However, these remedies would work only when you follow them on a continuous basis and with dedication. Any remedy out of these needs to be followed for at least 27 days. Only then you would reap good results.
Do not worry. Just follow these astrological remedies and love will be soon established back in your life again.