
Top 4 Reasons to Match Horoscopes before Marriage
Karan Sharma
Posted Date:2017-04-24
Horoscope matching is a very crucial thing that is followed in Indian culture before anyone ties the nuptial knot. Horoscope matching has its own significance and there are quite a lot of reasons why it should be followed before you start the new phase of your life.
Let us have a look at the top 4 reasons why checking horoscope compatibility is crucial for any marriage in Hindu culture:
Checking marriage compatibility
Marriage is considered quite sacred in Hindu culture. It is believed that when two people get married, they become on soul and should walk together in the path of life not only for their present lives but also for the remaining seven lives. Each spouse has an effect on the fate and luck of the other. Horoscope matching examines the positions of celestial bodies and their effects on human lives. Carrying out horoscope matching before getting married is necessary for a blissful marital life.
Testing Relationship quotient
There is a concept called guna or ashtakoot which is an important parameter to be taken into consideration while matching horoscopes. There are eight gunas which need to be matched to test the overall relationship compatibility. Every guna is associated with points and these points give a total of 36 when added together. For the kundalis to match, a minimum of 18 points must be obtained. The more the points obtained, the better the compatibility between the couple.
The criteria for the guna matching include:
Varna – Caste matching
Vashya – Attraction
Tara – Longevity
Yoni – Nature and characteristics
Graha Maitri – Natural friendship
Gan – Mental compatibility
Bhakoot – Effect of one on the other
Nadi – Possibility of child birth
Analyzing mental and physical compatibility
Horoscope matching is done to check the mental and physical compatibility between the couple. Things like the mindset of the individuals, their behavior, attitude and temper are checked. The health conditions of the bride as well as the groom are checked order to ensure a healthy and happy marriage. Further, the level of physical attraction and desirability for each other are checked which are quite necessary if a marriage is to succeed.
Predict financial conditions and family adjustment
Financial stability is very important for any person. This is one very important thing that parents of the bride and groom look into before approving the marriage. Financial stability along with chances of job promotion and job prospective in the future are analyzed. Another very important thing that is looked at is how much will the couple be able to adjust with each other along with their respective families and whether they would be able to adjust with the changing life conditions or not.
You can consult the expert astrologer in UK for getting your horoscopes matched for marriage. For those who want to know about their love horoscopes, they can also consult the astrologer and get answers to all queries related to horoscope matching and its importance. He will guide you on your best and you will be able to lead a happy married life forever.